Totaled vs Totalled
What’s the difference between them?

To calculate or add up the total amount or number of something.
1.The damages totaled more than $10,000.
2.The final score totaled 21 points.
3.I totaled my car in a multi-car accident.
Meaning is the same, but such spelling is mostly used in British English.
1. The accident totalled his car.
2. The damage totalled over $1,000.
3. His medical bills totalled over $50,000.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
add up to
add up to
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Totaled", "Totalled".

1. Totaled is the American English spelling of the past tense of the verb 'to total'.
2. Totalled is the British English spelling of the same verb.
3. Remember that in British spelling there should be letters 'L.'
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'Totaled'?
The word 'Totaled' is the American English spelling of the verb 'to total'. It is used to describe the act of calculating the sum or total amount of something, such as a bill, a score or a list of items. For example, you can say 'I totaled the bill and it came to $50' or 'The team totaled 10 points in the game'.
When to use the second word 'Totalled'?
The word 'Totalled' is the British English spelling of the same verb. It is used in the same way as 'Totaled' but should be used in British English writing and speaking. For example, you can say 'I totalled the bill and it came to £50' or 'The team totalled 10 points in the game'.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, both words are pronounced the same way, which is 'toh-tuhld'.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'Totaled', 'Totalled'?
One of the most common mistakes associated with these words is confusing them with the noun 'total'. The verb 'to total' means to calculate a sum or total amount, while the noun 'total' is used to describe the sum or total amount. For example, you can say 'I totaled the bill and it came to $50' but you cannot say 'The bill was a total of $50'. Instead, you would say 'The total of the bill was $50'. Additionally, some people might confuse these words with the verb 'to toll', which means to ring a bell.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. After the severe storm, my car was completely ____.
2. The expenses for the trip ____ up to $1500.
3. In London, many insurance claims are made when cars are ____ in accidents.
4. The sum of all your purchases ____ to $45.98.
5. My brother told me his old bike was ____ in the garage collapse.
6. When the numbers were added from the fundraiser, they ____ a significant amount for the charity.
1. totaled/totalled
Explanation: This sentence doesnt offer a specific regional clue, so both the American English spelling totaled and the British English spelling totalled are acceptable.
2. totalled
Explanation: The currency $ might imply American English, but this is a trick! The structure totalled up to is more commonly used in British English. Thus, totalled is the correct answer.
3. totalled
Explanation: In London provides a clue that this is referencing British English. Therefore, the correct spelling is totalled.
4. totaled
Explanation: The format of the currency $45.98 hints towards American English usage, so totaled is the appropriate choice.
5. totaled/totalled
Explanation: Without a clear regional clue in the sentence, both totaled and totalled are acceptable.
6. totaled/totalled
Explanation: This sentence does not provide a specific clue towards American or British English, so both versions are correct.
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