Wreckless vs Reckless
What’s the difference between them?

common misspelling of 'reckless.'
no examples
exhibiting or characterized by a lack of caution; careless; rash.
1. His reckless driving put other drivers in danger.
2. You need to be more careful; a reckless decision could have serious consequences.
3. She was praised for her recklessness in the face of danger.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
1. Incautious
2. Rash
3. Heedless
4. Impulsive
5. Careless/Negligent
1. Cautious
2. Prudent
3. Pragmatic
4. Calculated
5. Careful Consideration
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Wreckless", "Reckless".

1. Remember to remove 'w' from 'wreckless.'
2. Remember that 'to reck' means 'to care.' So the correct word is about combining 'reck' and 'less.'
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word be used?
The word 'Wreckless' is a common misspelling and should be avoided.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word?
The word 'Reckless' is used to describe someone or something that is marked by a lack of caution or carelessness. It can be used to describe a person who is acting without considering the consequences of their actions.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
Yes, these words have similar pronunciation.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
A common mistake people make when using these words is confusing the spelling. Remember that the correct one is 'reckless.'
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Her ___________ driving nearly caused an accident.
2. The ship was sent to its watery grave due to the captains ___________ navigation.
3. He was ___________ with his money, spending it as soon as he earned it.
4. She was ___________ with her decision to go skydiving without a parachute.
5. He thought it was a good idea at the time, but it was ___________ of him to try to jump over the ravine.
6. His ___________ behavior eventually caught up to him and he was fired from his job.
1. Her Reckless driving nearly caused an accident.
Explanation: Reckless means acting with no regard to the consequences of an action, which aligns with her driving nearly causing an accident, as it implies she was not considering the potential outcome of her driving.
2. The ship was sent to its watery grave due to the captains reckless navigation.
Explanation: reckless means showing no respect for danger or caution, which aligns with the captains navigation causing the ship to be sent to its watery grave, as it implies he was not mindful of the possible consequences of his navigation.
3. He was Reckless with his money, spending it as soon as he earned it.
Explanation: Reckless means acting with no regard to the consequences of an action, which aligns with him spending his money as soon as he earned it, as it implies he was not considering the potential outcome of his spending habits.
4. She was Reckless with her decision to go skydiving without a parachute.
Explanation: Reckless means acting with no regard to the consequences of an action, which aligns with her decision to go skydiving without a parachute, as it implies she was not considering the potential outcome of her decision.
5. He thought it was a good idea at the time, but it was Reckless of him to try to jump over the ravine.
Explanation: Reckless means acting with no regard to the consequences of an action, which aligns with him trying to jump over the ravine, as it implies he was not considering the potential outcome of his attempt.
6. His Reckless behavior eventually caught up to him and he was fired from his job.
Explanation: Reckless means acting with no regard to the consequences of an action, which aligns with his behavior eventually causing him to be fired from his job, as it implies he was not considering the potential outcome of his behavior.
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