What part of speech is “nice”

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the adjective form of nice can be used to describe something that is of high quality or pleasant. It often expresses approval and admiration, and is usually seen as a kinder way to express saying something is good.

Nice is often used to describe something that is delightful, pleasant, or aesthetically pleasing. It can also be used to express appreciation or admiration.

1. That painting has such a nice color palette.

2. He has such a nice voice.

While nice can be used to express appreciation or admiration, it is not necessarily expressing the highest praise possible. Additionally, it is important to note that when referring to a person, nice can mean kind and helpful, which is seen as a positive thing. However, if used to describe an inanimate object, it could have a more neutral connotation than good.


as an adverb, 'nice' is used to emphasize an adjective, similar to the way 'very' or 'quite' might be used. It intensifies the adjective it modifies.

The pie tasted nice sweet.

The cloth felt nice soft.

Using 'nice' as an adverb can sound old-fashioned or regional in some English-speaking areas. It's not standard in contemporary American or British English for formal contexts. In modern usage, it's more common to use 'nicely' as the adverbial form of 'nice,' as in 'The pie was nicely sweetened.' It's essential to differentiate between the adjectival and adverbial uses. For instance, 'She is nice' (adjective) vs. 'The pie tasted nice sweet' (adverb).

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