What part of speech is “abjure”

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abjure is a verb that means to formally renounce or reject something. It is often used in the phrase 'abjure oath', which indicates a public ceremony in which one swears off something and formally rejects it. The most common usage of this word is in swearing off allegiance or fidelity to a particular cause or idea.

Abjure must always be used in its transitive form, meaning it requires an object to be acted upon. It can not be used in a standalone form. It is often used in a formal setting to indicate strong declarations and is therefore used in a more serious context.

1. The cult leader demanded everyone in the room abjure their former beliefs.

2. At the swearing-in ceremony, the new President abjured all loyalties to foreign countries.

3. I had to abjure any attachment to the old cult before I was allowed to leave.

Abjure is a very strong way of discounting something, so it should be used with care. Additionally, it can imply a certain degree of force in its usage, so be sure to use it in a way that is not interpreted as threatening or demeaning.

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