Aisle vs Isle
What’s the difference between them?

An aisle is a long passageway between rows of seats, shelves, or other areas in a building.
1. The aisle between the bookshelves was very narrow.
2. I had difficulty finding the cereal aisle in the grocery store.
3. We walked down the aisle of the church on our wedding day.
Isle is a noun meaning a small island, especially one that is part of a larger landmass.
1. We explored the isle in search of a secluded beach.
2. The isle was only accessible by boat.
3. The isle was filled with lush green vegetation.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Aisle", "Isle".

1. Remember that an 'aisle' is a pathway in a large building such as a store or church, whereas an 'isle' is an isolated land mass, usually surrounded by water.
2. Think of an aisle as an extended passageway, whereas an isle is an island.
3. Remember that an aisle is a long, narrow passageway between sections of a building, while an isle is a small island.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the word 'aisle'?
Aisle is defined as a wide passageway between the rows of seats or shelves in a public building, such as a church or supermarket. It is also used to refer to the row of seats in an airplane or theater. Aisle is typically used to describe a place within a larger structure or to refer to a row of seating, and is the more commonly used of the two words.
When to use the word 'isle'?
Isle is defined as a small island, usually located in a large body of water. It is typically used to refer to a small body of land that is surrounded by water on all sides. Isle is most commonly used to describe a small landmass surrounded by a body of water, and is less commonly used than aisle.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
Yes, aisle and isle have the same pronunciation, which is /aih-l/
What are common mistakes associated with words?
Common mistakes associated with the words 'aisle' and 'isle' include mixing up their meanings, using the wrong word in a sentence, and using one when the other is more appropriate. For example, using 'isle' to refer to a row of seats in an aisle in a supermarket, or using 'aisle' to refer to a small island in the middle of a lake.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. Please come and join me in the __________.
2. I went to the store and saw the __________ full of food.
3. The __________ was very quiet, except for the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks.
4. We spent a week on the __________ and it was an amazing experience.
5. We have to move our shopping cart to the next __________.
6. The __________ was full of people shopping for the holidays.
1. Answer: Isle
Explanation: An isle is a small island, usually surrounded by water.
2. Answer: Aisle
Explanation: An aisle is a long, narrow passage in a store or other public area that is used to divide two areas or sections.
3. Answer: Isle
Explanation: An isle is usually very quiet, as it is usually surrounded by water.
4. Answer: Isle
Explanation: An isle is a small island, usually surrounded by water.
5. Answer: Aisle
Explanation: An aisle is a long, narrow passage in a store or other public area that is used to divide two areas or sections.
6. Answer: Aisle
Explanation: An aisle is a long, narrow passage in a store or other public area that is used to divide two areas or sections.
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