What part of speech is “nothing”

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As a noun, 'nothing' refers to the concept of emptiness, nonexistence, or zero.

Nothing can come from nothing.

I owe you nothing.

From nothing to something, he built his empire.

'Nothing' as a noun is often used in philosophical or abstract discussions about the nature of existence.

Don't use 'nothing' where 'anything' is more appropriate, as in 'Is nothing wrong?' instead of 'Is anything wrong?'


Though not commonly categorized as an adjective, 'nothing' can function like one when indicating that something has no value, importance, or significance.

He is a nothing player in the industry.

That's a nothing issue compared to what we're facing.

This usage is generally considered informal and is rarely used in formal or academic settings.


as a pronoun, 'nothing' is used to indicate the absence of anything; it refers to no thing, no matter, or no substance.

'Nothing' is used to indicate that something is absent or nonexistent.

Nothing is impossible.

I have nothing to say.

Nothing matters more than family.

'Nothing' is often used for emphasis in negative sentences. Avoid double negatives like 'I can't get nothing,' where 'nothing' should be replaced with 'anything.'


as an adverb, 'nothing' is used to emphasize a verb, usually in expressions like 'nothing but.'

He did nothing but complain.

She eats nothing but vegetables.

When used as an adverb, 'nothing' is usually part of a set phrase or idiom. Don't use 'nothing' as an adverb to replace 'not' or 'n't,' as in 'I nothing know' instead of 'I don't know.'

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