Cast vs Casted
What’s the difference between them?

verb that means to throw or hurl (something) with force; to throw off or away; to project (light, for example); to shape (metal, for example) by pouring it into a mold; to assign a role to (an actor).
1. The cast of the play was incredible.
2. They had to cast a wide net to find the best candidate for the job.
3. The little boy had a cast on his arm after breaking it.
Improper conjugation of the verb 'cast.'
no examples
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
There are no direct antonyms for this word.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no synonyms for it.
This word doesn't exist, so there are no antonyms for it.
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Cast", "Casted".

1. Remember that 'cast' is a verb that means to throw something, whereas 'casted' is not a word.
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the first word 'cast'?
The word 'cast' is typically used as a verb and means to throw or launch something. It can also mean to select or appoint someone for a role, to assign a particular role or part to someone, or to cause or send something away. For example, 'He cast the ball towards the goal' or 'She was cast in the lead role.'
When to use the second word 'casted'?
The word 'casted' is not a real word in the English language. It is often used as an informal or colloquial form of the verb 'cast,' but its use is not recommended in formal writing.
Do the words have the same pronunciation?
No, they don't have the same pronunciation. Since the word 'casted' doesn't exist, it doesn't have the pronunciation at all.
What are common mistakes associated with words 'cast' and 'casted'?
The most common mistake associated with these words is using 'casted' instead of 'cast'. Also, people sometimes forget that 'cast' can be used as a noun or an adjective, as well as a verb. For example, 'the cast of actors' or 'the cast iron pot'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1.The magician __ a spell and made the rabbit disappear.
2.The actor __ a long shadow as he walked across the stage.
3.The teacher __ a critical eye over the students work.
4.The director __ the lead role to the young actor.
5.The fisherman __ the net into the lake.
6.The doctor __ a concerned glance at the patient.
1. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
2. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
3. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
4. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
5. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
6. Answer: cast.
Explanation: Cast is the correct form of the verb. Casted doesnt exist.
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