Hooves vs Hoofs
What’s the difference between them?

Hooves are the hard, rounded protective coverings of the feet of certain mammals such as horses, cattle, and goats.
1. The sound of the horse's hooves clomping against the ground filled the air.
2. She watched the farm animals moving about, the clatter of their hooves echoing through the barn.
3. The horse galloped forward, its powerful hooves pounding the earth.
rare spelling of 'hooves.'
1. The horses' hoofs pounded against the ground as it raced towards the finish line.
2. We heard the clatter of the hoofs as the cart passed by.
3. The farmer inspected the cow's hoofs for any signs of injury.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Cloven hoofs
2. Paws
3. Pads
4. Hoofprints
5. Equine extremities
1. Paws
2. Claws
3. Soles
4. Sneakers
5. Shoes
1. Cloven hooves
2. Paws
3. Trotters
4. Digits
5. Feet
1. Paws
2. Claws
3. Soles
4. Sneakers
5. Shoes
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Hooves", "Hoofs".

1. Hooves (with the 'e') is the correct plural form of the word hoof.
2. Hoofs is a rare spelling, which is used in some dialects.
3. Use 'hooves' when you in doubt.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the word 'hooves' be used?
The word 'hooves' is used to refer to the horns on the feet of a horse or cow. It is commonly used when talking about the anatomy of an animal or to describe the sound of a horse or cow walking or running.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'hoofs'?
The word 'hoofs' has the same meaning, but its usage is very rare.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. The word 'hooves' is pronounced as /hu:vz/, while hoofs is pronounced as /hu:fz/
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
Common mistakes people make when using these words include using the wrong spelling, interchanging the two words, or mispronouncing them.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. He carefully trimmed the hooves of the horse.
2. The farmer inspected the hoofs of each cow.
3. The sheep quietly trotted on their hooves.
4. The blacksmith pounded on the hoofs of the animal.
5. The deer ran across the meadow on their delicate hooves.
6. He shod the hoofs of the donkey with metal shoes.
1. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
2. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
3. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
4. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
5. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
6. Hooves.
Explanation: this spelling is more applicable in modern English.
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