Everybody vs Everyone
What’s the difference between them?

Everybody is a pronoun meaning all people or things in a particular group.
1. Everybody is invited to the party.
2. Everybody needs to help out around the house.
3. Everybody should be given the chance to succeed.
Everyone is a pronoun referring to all people, regardless of who they are.
1. Everyone in the room was silent.
2. Everyone should have a right to an education.
3. Everyone is welcome to join the celebration.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. All
2. Each and every one
3. Entire population
4. Complete group
5. Every single person
1. Nobody
2. Alone
3. Nothing
4. Nobody Else
5. Absent
1. Everybody
2. All
3. Total
4. Every person
5. Entire population
1. Nobody
2. No one
3. Nothing
4. Opposite
5. Not everyone
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Everybody", "Everyone".

1. 'Everybody' is considered slightly less formal than 'everyone' and is more commonly used in casual or informal contexts.
2. 'Everyone' is considered slightly more formal than 'everybody' and is often used in more formal writing, speeches, or presentations.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the first word 'Everybody' be used?
Everybody is used when referring to a group of people in general, without specifying any particular individuals. It can be used when talking about a group of people in a general sense, or when you're uncertain of the exact number of people involved.
When is the appropriate context for using the second word 'Everyone'?
Everyone is most appropriate when referring to a group of people that you know the exact size of. For example, when you know that there are exactly five people in the group, you can use 'everyone' to refer to them.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the words have different pronunication, but they are often used interchangeably in casual conversation.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is using 'everybody' when the exact number of people is known. For example, if there are six people in the group, you should use 'everyone' instead of 'everybody'. Another common mistake is using 'everybody' when referring to a group that consists of only two people. In this case, 'both' or 'the two of them' would be the more appropriate choice.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. ________ has their own opinion and should be respected.
2. ________ should be given the opportunity to express their opinion.
3. We must ensure that ________ is treated equally and fairly.
4. We need to listen to ________ and take their opinions into consideration.
5. It is important to remember that ________ is entitled to their own opinion.
6. ________ should be treated with respect and dignity.
1. Everybody
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it is inclusive of all people, regardless of gender, age, race, etc.
2. Everyone
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it also encompasses all people.
3. Everyone
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it ensures that all people are given equal treatment and respect.
4. Everybody
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it emphasizes the importance of listening to each individual and understanding their opinion.
5. Everybody
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it acknowledges that each person is entitled to their own opinion.
6. Everyone
Explanation: This word is appropriate here because it emphasizes the importance of treating all people with respect and dignity.
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