Several vs Multiple
What’s the difference between them?

having to do with or characterized by a number that is more than two, but not very many.
1. Several people attended the party last night.
2. Several books have been recommended for the book club.
3. We bought several crates of oranges for the picnic.
having, relating to, or involving more than one; many; manifold.
1. He had multiple job offers to choose from.
2. She had multiple lesions on her skin.
3. We will need to make multiple copies of this document.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Numerous
2. Aplenty
3. Multifarious
4. Abundant
5. In abundance
1. Few
2. Not many
3. None
4. No amount
5. Negate
1. Various
2. Various kinds
3. Several
4. Quite a few
5. Many
1. Few
2. One at a time
3. Unit
4. On occasion
5. Unique
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Several", "Multiple".

1. When unsure if 'several' or 'multiple' is the correct word to use, consider the number being referred to.
2. If it is more than two, but not a large amount, then 'several' is the appropriate word.
3. If the number is greater than three, then 'multiple' is the correct word.
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Frequently asked questions
When is it appropriate to use the word 'several'?
Several is typically used when referring to an unspecified number of things that is more than two but not many. Generally speaking, it is used when it is more precise than saying 'some' but too vague to talk about exact numbers.
When is it appropriate to use the word 'multiple'?
Multiple is generally used when referring to a group of things that is more than two but not specific enough to mention an exact number. It can also be used when talking about a multiple or repeat of something, such as a multiple choice test or multiple occurrences of an event.
Do the two words 'several' and 'multiple' share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words 'several' and 'multiple' do not share the same pronunciation. Several is pronounced 'SEV-er-uhl' while multiple is pronounced 'MUL-tuh-puhl'.
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake people make when using the words 'several' and 'multiple' is getting their intended meaning confused. People often think of 'several' as meaning 'many' and 'multiple' as meaning 'just a few', when in fact the opposite is true. Additionally, people often interchange the two words, when in fact they mean different things. It is important to understand the context and usage of each word in order to use them correctly.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. There are __________ reasons why she couldnt attend the meeting today.
2. John has __________ books on his shelf, all of which he plans to read.
3. The project requires __________ revisions before it can be finalized.
4. She received __________ awards for her outstanding performance in sports.
5. The software allows you to open __________ files simultaneously.
6. He had to make __________ phone calls to confirm the details of the event.
1. There are several reasons why she couldnt attend the meeting today.
Explanation: Several is used to indicate an indefinite but relatively small number of reasons.
2. John has multiple books on his shelf, all of which he plans to read.
Explanation: Multiple is used to indicate a larger number of books on Johns shelf.
3. The project requires several revisions before it can be finalized.
Explanation: Several suggests that a moderate number of revisions are needed.
4. She received multiple awards for her outstanding performance in sports.
Explanation: Multiple emphasizes that she received many awards for her performance.
5. The software allows you to open multiple files simultaneously.
Explanation: Multiple indicates that you can open many files at the same time.
6. He had to make several phone calls to confirm the details of the event.
Explanation: Several implies that he had to make a few but not too many phone calls.
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