What part of speech is “leave”

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as a noun, 'leave' refers to a period of time when someone has permission to be absent from work or from duty in the armed forces. It can also mean permission to do something.

'leave' in this context is often used in phrases like 'on leave,' 'take leave,' 'maternity leave,' etc.

He is on leave for two weeks.

She took maternity leave after her baby was born.

May I have leave to speak?

'leave of absence' is a formal term often used in workplaces to denote a period of time that an employee will be away from work. Don't confuse 'leave' (permission to be absent) with 'leaf' (the green part of a plant). They are homophones but have different meanings and uses.


as a verb, 'leave' primarily denotes the action of going away from a place or a person. It can also refer to allowing something to remain in a particular state or position, or to entrust something to someone.

'leave' can be used transitively (with a direct object) or intransitively (without a direct object). It can also be used in various tenses and forms, such as 'leaves,' 'leaving,' 'left.'

I will leave the office at 5 pm.

Please leave the door open.

She left a note on the table.

'leave' and 'let' can sometimes be confused. 'Leave' often means to go away from, while 'let' means to allow. 'Leave' can also mean to go on a vacation or take time off work, as in 'I'm on leave next week.'

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