Connectors and Transitions in Spanish

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When we learn Spanish, one of the most useful tools we can learn to help us communicate better is to learn the use of connectors and transitions.

These words or phrases help us link ideas, make the text clearer, and express our thoughts in an organized way. In this article, we will look at what textual connectors and transitions are, their types, and how to use them.

What are connectors and transitions?

Connectors and transitions are words or phrases that serve to link ideas in a sentence or between several sentences. They help give fluency to the text and organize ideas, as well as show the relationship between them, whether to add, contrast, explain or conclude. Examples of connectors and transitions in Spanish:

  • y (and) – Used to add an idea or information.
  • pero (but) – Indicates a contrast or difference.
  • porque (because) – Explains the cause of something.
  • sin embargo (however) – Shows an exception or contrast.
  • además (furthermore) – Adds additional information.

List of textual connectors and transitions

Type of ConnectorFunctionExamples
AdditionAdds informationy, además, también, incluso, asimismo 
(and, moreover, also, even, likewise)
ContrastShows oppositionpero, sin embargo, no obstante, aunque, al contrario 
(but, however, nevertheless, although, on the contrary)
CauseExplains the reasonporque, debido a, ya que, puesto que, a causa de 
(because, due to, since, as, because of)
ConsequenceShows the resultpor lo tanto, así que, en consecuencia, por eso, por consiguiente 
(therefore, so, consequently, that's why, accordingly)
TimePlaces in timeantes, después, cuando, mientras, luego 
(before, after, when, while, then)
ComparisonCompares ideascomo, tal como, así como, de igual forma, de manera similar 
(like, such as, as well as, similarly, in a similar way)
ExemplificationIntroduces examplespor ejemplo, como, tal como, particularmente, en particular 
(for example, like, such as, particularly, in particular)
Summary and ConclusionSummarizes or concludesen resumen, en conclusión, para finalizar, en definitiva, en pocas palabras 
(in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, ultimately, in short)
ConditionExpresses a conditionsi, a menos que, en caso de que, siempre que, con tal de que 
(if, unless, in case, as long as, provided that)

Types of connectors and transitions

There are several types of textual connectors and transitions, each with a specific function. Below, we will see the most common types of connectors and some examples.

Addition Connectors

These connectors allow us to add more information or ideas to what we have already said. Examples of addition connectors:

  • Me gusta el café y también el té. (I like coffee and tea too.)
  • Estudio español; además, practico inglés. (I study Spanish; furthermore, I practice English.)
  • Ella canta y baila. (She sings and dances.)
  • Todos participaron, incluso los niños. (Everyone participated, even the children.)
  • Visitamos el museo; asimismo, fuimos al parque. (We visited the museum; likewise, we went to the park.)

Contrast Connectors

Contrast connectors show an opposition or difference between two ideas. Examples of contrast connectors:

  • Quiero ir, pero no tengo tiempo. (I want to go, but I don't have time.)
  • Es temprano; sin embargo, hace calor. (It's early; however, it's hot.)
  • Es difícil; no obstante, lo intentaré. (It's difficult; nonetheless, I will try.)
  • Voy al parque aunque llueve. (I’m going to the park even though it’s raining.)
  • No es caro; al contrario, es muy accesible. (It's not expensive; on the contrary, it's very affordable.)

Cause Connectors

These connectors serve to explain the cause or reason for something. Examples of cause connectors:

  • No fui a la fiesta porque estaba cansado. (I didn't go to the party because I was tired.)
  • No hubo clases debido a la lluvia. (There were no classes due to the rain.)
  • No salí, ya que estaba ocupado. (I didn't go out since I was busy.)
  • Voy a descansar, puesto que terminé mi trabajo. (I’m going to rest since I finished my work.)
  • Llegamos tarde a causa de un accidente. (We arrived late due to an accident.)

Consequence Connectors

These connectors show the result or consequence of an action. Examples of consequence connectors:

  • Estudié mucho; por lo tanto, aprobé. (I studied a lot; therefore, I passed.)
  • Llueve, así que llevé paraguas. (It’s raining, so I took an umbrella.)
  • Perdió el tren; en consecuencia, llegó tarde. (He missed the train; consequently, he arrived late.)
  • Estaba cansado; por eso dormí temprano. (I was tired; that’s why I went to bed early.)
  • Ahorré dinero; por consiguiente, pude viajar. (I saved money; consequently, I was able to travel.)

Time Connectors

These connectors help us place events in time. Examples of time connectors:

  • Desayuno antes de trabajar. (I have breakfast before working.)
  • Vamos al cine después de cnar. (We’re going to the cinema after dinner.)
  • Te llamaré cuando llegue. (I will call you when I arrive.)
  • Estudio mientras escucho música. (I study while listening to music.)
  • Salimos luego de la reunión. (We left after the meeting.)

Comparison Connectors

These connectors allow us to compare ideas or situations with each other. Examples of comparison connectors:

  • Es valiente como su madre. (He is brave like his mother.)
  • Hazlo tal como te expliqué. (Do it just as I explained it to you.)
  • Él toca guitarra, así como piano. (He plays guitar, as well as piano.)
  • Pienso de igual forma que tú. (I think the same way as you.)
  • Resolvieron el problema de manera similar. (They solved the problem in a similar way.)

Exemplification Connectors

These connectors serve to introduce examples within our sentence. Examples of exemplification connectors:

  • Me gustan los deportes; por ejemplo, el fútbol. (I like sports; for example, soccer.)
  • Frutas como manzanas y peras son saludables. (Fruits like apples and pears are healthy.)
  • Hazlo tal como te mostré. (Do it just as I showed you.)
  • Me gustan las frutas, particularmente las fresas. (I like fruits, particularly strawberries.
  • Los perros, en particular los labradores, son amistosos. (Dogs, particularly Labradors, are friendly.)

Summary and Conclusion Connectors

These connectors help us summarize or conclude ideas. Examples of summary and conclusion connectors:

  • El viaje fue largo y agotador; en resumen, fue difícil. (The trip was long and exhausting; in summary, it was difficult.)
  • En conclusión, debemos ser responsables. (In conclusion, we must be responsible.)
  • Para finalizar, agradezco su atención. (To conclude, I thank you for your attention.)
  • No lo logró; en definitiva, necesita más práctica. (He didn’t achieve it; ultimately, he needs more practice.)
  • En pocas palabras, fue un éxito. (In short, it was a success.)

Condition Connectors

With these connectors, we can express a condition or possibility. Examples of condition connectors:

  • Voy si hace buen tiempo. (I will go if the weather is nice.)
  • Salimos a menos que llueva. (We will leave unless it rains.)
  • Lleva paraguas en caso de que llueva. (Take an umbrella in case it rains.)
  • Puedes venir siempre que llegues temprano. (You can come as long as you arrive early.)
  • Iré con tal de que tú vayas. (I will go as long as you go.)


Common Mistakes and Tips for Using Connectors and Transitions Correctly

Connectors and transitions are generally very easy to use, but it is possible to make a few mistakes with them at the beginning. Here we will teach you how to avoid them.

Excessive Use of Connectors

Using too many connectors can make your text confusing.

Incorrect: Fui a la tienda y, además, compré leche y, también, pan. (I went to the store and, in addition, bought milk and, also, bread.) 
Correct: Fui a la tienda y compré leche y pan. (I went to the store and bought milk and bread.) 
Incorrect: Llamé a mis amigos y, entonces, fuimos al cine y, entonces, cenamos juntos. (I called my friends and then we went to the cinema and then had dinner together.) 
Correct: Llamé a mis amigos, fuimos al cine, y luego cenamos juntos. (I called my friends, we went to the cinema and then had dinner together.)

Confusion Between Connectors

Sometimes, we can use an incorrect connector that changes the meaning.

Incorrect: No estudió mucho, entonces sacó buena nota. (He didn’t study much, then he got a good grade.) 
Correct: No estudió mucho; sin embargo, sacó buena nota. (He didn’t study much; however, he got a good grade.) 
Incorrect: Llegó tarde al trabajo, y por eso no le dijeron nada. (He arrived late to work, and that’s why they didn’t tell him anything.) 
Correct: Llegó tarde al trabajo, pero no le dijeron nada. (He arrived late to work, but they didn’t tell him anything.)

Tips for Using Connectors Properly

  • Use connectors only when they contribute clarity.

Incorrect: Llegué temprano y, por lo tanto, me senté, y después, por lo tanto, esperé. (I arrived early and therefore sat down, and then, therefore, I waited.)
Correct: Llegué temprano, me senté y esperé. (I arrived early, sat down, and waited.)

  • Avoid repeating the same connectors constantly.

Incorrect: Estaba cansado y, además, hambriento y, además, tenía frío. (I was tired and, in addition, hungry and, in addition, cold.)
Correct: Estaba cansado, hambriento y tenía frío. (I was tired, hungry, and cold.)

  • Choose the connector that best expresses the relationship between the ideas.

Incorrect: Estaba lloviendo mucho, pero decidí salir de todas formas. (It was raining a lot, but I decided to go out anyway.)
Correct: Estaba lloviendo mucho; sin embargo, decidí salir de todas formas. (It was raining a lot; however, I decided to go out anyway.)


Connectors and transitions are essential in Spanish to make our ideas flow better and make sense. They help us organize the text and show the relationships between ideas, making our messages clear and complete.

Practicing the use of these connectors in your texts and conversations will help you communicate with greater precision and coherence in Spanish. Do your daily lessons with the Promova app, and soon you will notice the difference!

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