Breech vs Breach
What’s the difference between them?

to be in a position with the buttocks or feet pointing downward, or to cause something to be in this position.
1. The baby was breech in the womb, which required a special delivery procedure.
2. The medical team worked to breech the obstruction in the patient's airway to restore normal breathing.
3. Be cautious when handling fragile items; you don't want to accidentally breech their delicate packaging.
An act or instance of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; violation.
1. The data breach exposed sensitive information about thousands of customers, leading to concerns about privacy.
2. The breach of contract by the supplier resulted in legal consequences for failing to meet the agreed-upon terms.
3. The security breach at the airport caused alarm among travelers, leading to increased security measures.
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
1. Bottom-first
2. Feet-first
3. Posterior
4. Hindmost
5. Rearward
1. Headfirst
2. Face-forward
3. Upright
4. Frontward
1. Infringement
2. Violation
3. Transgression
4. Breach of contract
5. Breach of trust
1. Maintain
2. Uphold
3. Abide
4. Respect
5. Observe the Rules
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Breech", "Breach".

1. Remember that 'breech' is a physical position where the buttocks or feet point downward.
2. Remember that 'breach' is an act that violates a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
3. Learn to recognize the spelling differences between 'breech' and 'breach' and other commonly confused words.
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Frequently asked questions
In what situations should the 'breech' be used?
Breech is typically used to describe the position of the body when the buttocks or feet are pointing downwards. It can also be used to describe the position of an object when it has been placed in a downward orientation.
When is the appropriate context for using the word 'breach'?
The word breach is used to describe an act or instance of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; violation. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as legal, contractual, or ethical.
Do the two words share the same pronunciation?
No, the two words do not share the same pronunciation. The word 'breech' is pronounced with a short ‘e’ sound (/britʃ/), while the word 'breach' is pronounced with a long ‘e’ sound (/brētʃ/).
What are some common mistakes people make when using these words?
One common mistake is confusing the spelling of the two words. Another mistake is confusing the pronunciation of the two words, as they both sound similar but are pronounced differently. Finally, people sometimes confuse the meanings of the two words as they have very different definitions.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. The castles defenses were strong, but the invaders found a _____ in the walls.
2. When a baby is positioned feet first in the womb, it is known as a _____ birth.
3. The company had strong security measures, but there was a data _____ last month.
4. During the old battle, soldiers wore _____ loaders which required bullets to be loaded from the back of the barrel.
5. Signing the contract and then backing out would mean a _____ of agreement.
6. In traditional cannons, the _____ is the rear part which is usually opened to load the ammunition.
1. The castles defenses were strong, but the invaders found a breach in the walls.
Explanation: A breach refers to a gap or a break, often in a barrier or defense.
2. When a baby is positioned feet first in the womb, it is known as a breech birth.
Explanation: Breech refers to the position where a baby is set to be born buttocks or feet first.
3. The company had strong security measures, but there was a data breach last month.
Explanation: A breach in this context refers to an incident where private, protected, or confidential data has potentially been viewed, stolen, or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.
4. During the old battle, soldiers wore breech loaders which required bullets to be loaded from the back of the barrel.
Explanation: A breech loader is a firearm where the bullet or shell is inserted or loaded into a chamber integral to the rear portion of a barrel.
5. Signing the contract and then backing out would mean a breach of agreement.
Explanation: Breach in this context refers to the act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
6. In traditional cannons, the breech is the rear part which is usually opened to load the ammunition.
Explanation: The breech of a cannon or gun is the part of the firearm at the rear of the barrel.
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