What part of speech is “although”

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The word 'although' refers to a state of conscious awareness or acknowledgement of something, often used to emphasize the contradictory nature between two pieces of information. For example, you can say, 'I love my job, although the hours can be really hard.' This implies that, while the speaker does in fact like their job, the hours are challenging.

'although' is typically preceded by a comma and followed by a phrase beginning with 'the'. It can be used to contrast any two pieces of information to emphasize the conflicting nature between them.

1. 'He is planning to move overseas, although the timeline remains uncertain.'

2. 'Even though she had a fruitful career, she was not satisfied with her life, although she never articulated the reason for this.'

3. 'My family is facing a financial crisis, although we remain optimistic that a solution is forthcoming.'

It is common to confuse the noun form of 'although' with its coordinating conjunctive form, or 'although at the beginning of a sentence.' This distinction is important, as the two forms of the word have different syntactic contexts and applications.

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