Mom vs Mum
What’s the difference between them?

Mom is a term of endearment used to refer to a mother, typically one's own.
1. My mom always knows how to make me smile.
2. I want to thank my mom for all her support.
3. It's great to have a loving mom like mine.
Mum is a British English term for one's mother.
1. My mum always makes the best pancakes for breakfast.
2. I'm visiting my mum this weekend.
3. Mum, can you help me with my homework?
Learn similar and opposite words to spot the difference
Tricks for mastery
Useful tips to understand the difference between confusing words "Mom", "Mum".

1. 'Mom' is the more American spelling of the word, while 'Mum' is the more British spelling of the same word.
2. 'Mom' rhymes with some American-sounding words like 'Tom' or 'bomb.'
3. 'Mum' rhymes with some British-sounding words like 'chum' or the British pronunciation of 'plum.'
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Frequently asked questions
When to use the word 'Mom'?
Mom is the American English way of saying mother and is the most common way to address a mother. It is usually used when talking to or about a mother in a casual setting.
When to use the word 'Mum'?
Mum is the British English way of saying mother and is the most common way to address a mother in the United Kingdom. It can also be used in the United States in more formal contexts, such as when speaking to guests or to a superior.
Do the words 'Mom' and 'Mum' have the same pronunciation?
Yes, the words 'Mom' and 'Mum' have the same pronunciation in both American and British English. The pronunciation is 'muhm'.
What are common mistakes associated with the words 'Mom' and 'Mum'?
The most common mistake is to mix up the usage of the words. People often use 'Mom' in British English and 'Mum' in American English when they should be using the opposite. Additionally, people may mistakenly use 'Mama' instead of either 'Mom' or 'Mum'.
Fill in the gaps to check yourself
1. In the United States, children often call their mother _____.
2. In the UK, its common to hear a child call their mother _____.
3. My _____ always makes me a special cake for my birthday.
4. When I scraped my knee as a child, I always ran to my _____ for comfort.
5. In American English, _____ jeans refer to a stereotypical style of womens jeans.
6. British children might give a card to their _____ on Mother’s Day.
1. Answer: mom.
Explanation: Mom is the common term used in the United States to refer to ones mother, making it the appropriate choice in this context.
2. Answer: mum.
Explanation: In the UK, mum is the standard term used to refer to ones mother, aligning with British English usage.
3. Answer: mom/mum.
Explanation: Both mom and mum can be used here, depending on the regional dialect of the speaker. American English speakers typically use mom, while British English speakers use mum.
4. Answer: mom/mum.
Explanation: Either mom or mum could be used here, depending on the speakers dialect. Both terms are affectionate ways to refer to ones mother and are used in different English-speaking regions.
5. Answer: mom.
Explanation: The term mom jeans is used in American English to describe a particular style of jeans that were originally fashionable in the 1980s and have a high waist, making mom the correct choice.
6. Answer: mum.
Explanation: Given that the context implies British English usage by referring to a British holiday tradition, mum is the appropriate term to use here.
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