What part of speech is “disproportionate”

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as an adjective, 'disproportionate' describes something that is not in proportion, not balanced, or not of an expected or appropriate size, amount, degree, or level compared to something else.

'disproportionate' is often used to highlight an imbalance or inequality in various contexts, such as size, amount, response, or treatment. It can be used in both positive and negative contexts, though it often carries a negative connotation, suggesting that something is unfairly or undesirably unbalanced. The word can be modified with adverbs to indicate the degree of disproportion (e.g., 'grossly disproportionate').

The punishment he received was disproportionate to the minor offense he committed.

There's a disproportionate number of men to women in that profession.

The city's investment in public transportation seems disproportionate when compared to its spending on road maintenance.

be cautious not to confuse 'disproportionate' with 'inappropriate.' While both can indicate something unsuitable, 'disproportionate' specifically refers to an imbalance or lack of proportion. When using 'disproportionate,' ensure that there's a clear point of comparison, as the term inherently involves comparing one thing to another in terms of size, amount, degree, etc. 'Disproportionate' often appears in discussions about social justice, equity, and fairness, so it's essential to use the term accurately and sensitively in such contexts.

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