What is synonyms for after a long time

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after a long time

/ˈæftər ə lɔŋ taɪm/

Eventually or at a point in time far in the future.

Synonyms of after a long time


As in eventually

Strongest matches:

- ultimately

- finally

- in the end

Weak matches:

- subsequently

- later


As in after a prolonged period

Strongest matches:

- after a long period

- after many years

Weak matches:

- after some time

- after a while


Strongest matches:

- belated

- tardy

Weak matches:

- overdue

- late


Strongest matches:

- subsequent to

Weak matches:

- after

- post


immediately, instantly, promptly, straightaway, at once, forthwith

Usage examples:

1. After a long time of not seeing each other, the childhood friends finally reunited, reminiscing about the old days with laughter and tears.

2. The abandoned garden, neglected for years, flourished once again after a long time.

3. The project was completed successfully after a long time of hard work and collaboration.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another way to say 'after a long time'?

Another way to express 'after a long time' is by using the phrase 'after a lengthy period.' This phrase conveys the same sense of an extended amount of time passing before an event occurs or a condition is met.

Can 'eventually' be considered a synonym for 'after a long time'?

Yes, 'eventually' can be considered a synonym for 'after a long time,' especially in contexts where the focus is on the outcome occurring after an unspecified, prolonged duration. It emphasizes the inevitability of an event rather than the length of time per se.

Is there a more formal synonym for 'after a long time'?

A more formal synonym for 'after a long time' is 'subsequent to.' This phrase is particularly useful in formal writings or settings where a more sophisticated language is appropriate. It precisely conveys the passage of a significant amount of time before something happens.

What is a concise synonym for 'after a long time' that can be used in casual conversation?

In casual conversation, 'finally' or 'at last' serves as concise synonyms for 'after a long time.' These words are commonly used to express relief, completion, or the arrival of a much-anticipated event without specifying the exact length of the waiting period.