What is synonyms for reliance

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Dependence on or trust in someone or something for support or help.

Synonyms of reliance


Strongest matches:

- dependence

- trust

- confidence

- faith

Weak matches:

- assurance

- belief

- certainty

- conviction


independence, self-sufficiency, autonomy, freedom, self-reliance

Usage examples:

1. The company's heavy reliance on a single supplier made it vulnerable to supply chain disruptions.

2. His reliance on public transportation meant he had to carefully plan his daily commutes.

3. The community's reliance on agriculture for their livelihood made them highly dependent on favorable weather conditions.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'reliance'?

Common synonyms for 'reliance' include 'dependence,' 'trust,' 'confidence,' and 'faith.' Each of these words shares the core concept of needing support or assurance from something or someone but may be used in slightly different contexts to convey specific nuances.

Can 'dependence' and 'reliance' be used interchangeably in all contexts?

While 'dependence' and 'reliance' are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences in their connotations. 'Dependence' can sometimes imply a stronger or less desirable state of needing support, possibly suggesting vulnerability or a lack of self-sufficiency. 'Reliance' often carries a more neutral or positive tone, suggesting a trustful or confident leaning on something or someone.

Is 'trust' a direct synonym of 'reliance,' or does it convey a different meaning?

'Trust' is a synonym of 'reliance' but conveys a slightly different aspect of the relationship. 'Trust' emphasizes the belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. While 'reliance' focuses on the act of depending on someone or something, 'trust' highlights the emotional or psychological state of confidence in that dependence. Therefore, while related, they are not always directly interchangeable.

How does the use of 'faith' as a synonym for 'reliance' differ from the other synonyms?

Using 'faith' as a synonym for 'reliance' introduces a more profound or spiritual dimension to the concept of dependence. 'Faith' often implies a confident belief in something without needing empirical evidence, sometimes associated with religious or philosophical contexts. While 'reliance' can be used in more secular and practical contexts, 'faith' elevates the idea to a level of trust or belief that transcends mere evidence or practicality. This makes 'faith' a more emotionally charged synonym when compared to 'reliance,' 'dependence,' or 'trust'.