What is synonyms for all the best

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all the best

/all ðə bɛst/

A phrase used to express wishes of good fortune or success to someone.

Synonyms of all the best


Strongest matches:

- best wishes

- good luck

- best of luck

- well wishes

Weak matches:

- regards

- blessings


Strongest matches:

- ideal

- optimal

- perfect

Weak matches:

- excellent

- superior


Strongest matches:

- wish well

- hope for the best

Weak matches:

- support

- encourage


all the worst, the least desirable, the poorest, the most unfavorable, the most disadvantageous

Usage examples:

1. She sent an email to her colleagues, saying, 'I am leaving the company next month. Thank you for the wonderful memories, and I wish you all the best.

2. As the couple left for their honeymoon, their friends and family cheered, 'Safe travels and all the best on your new journey together!'

3. As you prepare for your final exams, I want to wish you all the best; you've worked hard and deserve to do well.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'all the best'?

Common synonyms for 'all the best' include 'best of luck,' 'good luck,' 'best wishes,' and 'Godspeed.' Each of these phrases can be used to wish someone well in their endeavors.

Can 'farewell' be considered a synonym for 'all the best'?

Yes, 'farewell' can sometimes be used similarly to 'all the best,' especially when wishing someone luck or success as they are leaving or embarking on a new journey. However, 'farewell' is more commonly associated with saying goodbye, so its use might depend on the context.

Is there a difference in using 'best of luck' vs. 'best wishes' when saying 'all the best'?

Yes, there's a slight nuance between the two. 'Best of luck' is often used when referring to endeavors that might require an element of chance or fortune, such as exams or competitions. 'Best wishes,' on the other hand, is more universally applicable and can be used in almost any context, including personal achievements, health, or general well-wishes.

Are there any formal synonyms for 'all the best' that can be used in professional emails?

In professional settings, phrases like 'wishing you success,' 'hoping for your success,' or 'wishing you all the best in your future endeavors' are considered formal and appropriate for emails. These phrases convey respect and well-wishes in a professional tone.