What is synonyms for marginalized

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Referring to a group or individual pushed to the edge of society, deprived of access to resources and opportunities, and often facing discrimination.

Synonyms of marginalized


Strongest matches:

- disenfranchised

- disadvantaged

- oppressed

- alienated

Weak matches:

- neglected

- overlooked

- undervalued

- minoritized


Strongest matches:

- disempowered

- excluded

Weak matches:

- sidelined

- disregarded

- discriminated against

- overlooked


empowered, included, recognized, mainstream, privileged, accepted, integrated, acknowledged, central, celebrated

Usage examples:

1. The new policy aims to support those who have been marginalized in society, ensuring they have equal access to education and employment opportunities.

2. In many discussions about climate change, the voices of marginalized communities are often overlooked.

3. The artist's latest exhibition highlights the stories of marginalized individuals.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a commonly used synonym for 'marginalized' that implies exclusion from mainstream society?

A commonly used synonym is 'disenfranchised.' This term specifically refers to being deprived of certain rights or privileges, especially the right to vote, but it also broadly applies to social and systemic exclusion from mainstream society.

Is there a synonym for 'marginalized' that emphasizes on the economic aspect?

Yes, 'impoverished' is often used to describe communities or individuals who are marginalized with a particular emphasis on economic conditions. It highlights the lack of wealth and resources as a key aspect of their marginalization.

Which synonym for 'marginalized' can also imply a lack of power or influence within societal structures?

'Disempowered' is a synonym that captures the lack of power, influence, or authority that marginalized groups or individuals often experience within societal structures. It underscores the reduction of power or the process of being made less powerful or confident.

What term is similar to 'marginalized' but focuses on the denial of access to opportunities or services?

'Excluded' is a term that directly relates to the act or state of being denied access to opportunities, resources, or services. It highlights the action of keeping someone out of a group or an activity, thereby marginalizing them.