What is synonyms for be part of

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be part of

/biː pɑːrt ʌv/

To belong or be included within a group, structure, or context.

Synonyms of be part of


Strongest matches:

- membership

- inclusion

- participation

Weak matches:

- affiliation

- association

- involvement


Strongest matches:

- belong to

- constitute

- comprise

Weak matches:

- join

- participate in

- collaborate in

- be involved in

- contribute to

- integrate into


be excluded from, be left out from, be excepted from, be omitted from

Usage examples:

1. She was thrilled to be part of the community outreach program.

2. The intricate puzzle was nearly complete, but they couldn't find the last piece needed to be part of the beautiful landscape image.

3. I feel honored to be part of such an innovative and forward-thinking company.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'be part of'?

Common synonyms for 'be part of' include 'belong to,' 'participate in,' 'contribute to,' and 'be involved in.' Each of these terms emphasizes a different aspect of being a part of something, whether it's membership, active involvement, or contribution.

Can 'integrate into' be used as a synonym for 'be part of'?

Yes, 'integrate into' can be used as a synonym for 'be part of,' especially in contexts where someone or something is becoming a part of a larger group, system, or organization. It implies a seamless incorporation or assimilation into the whole.

Is there a difference between 'join' and 'be part of'?

While 'join' and 'be part of' are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference. 'Join' typically refers to the act of becoming a member or participant, emphasizing the initial action. 'Be part of,' on the other hand, suggests a state of inclusion or involvement that may not solely be initiated by the individual but can also be a result of assignment or invitation.

What synonym for 'be part of' would be most appropriate for a formal document or presentation?

For a formal document or presentation, 'affiliate with' or 'associate with' might be the most appropriate synonyms for 'be part of.' These terms convey a sense of formal connection or involvement with a group, organization, or cause and are suitable for professional contexts.