What is synonyms for believe

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To accept something as true or have confidence in the truth of something without absolute proof.

Synonyms of believe


As in accept as true

Strongest matches:

- accept

- trust

- credit

Weak matches:

- buy

- swallow

- take


As in hold as an opinion

Strongest matches:

- think

- suppose

- reckon

Weak matches:

- feel

- assume

- guess


As in have faith, especially in a religious context

Strongest matches:

- have faith

- trust in

- place one's faith in

Weak matches:

- commit

- entrust

- confide


disbelieve, doubt, question, deny, reject, discredit, mistrust, disavow, repudiate, disclaim

Usage examples:

1. Many children believe in Santa Claus, eagerly awaiting his visit on Christmas Eve with presents.

2. Scientists often require empirical evidence before they will believe in a new theory or hypothesis.

3. You have to believe in yourself and your abilities if you want to succeed in your career.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'believe' that can be used in academic writing?

'Conjecture' is a more formal synonym for 'believe,' suitable for academic or scholarly contexts. It implies a conclusion reached based on incomplete information or without firm evidence.

Is there a synonym for 'believe' that implies a stronger conviction or certainty?

'Trust' implies a stronger conviction or certainty than 'believe.' It suggests a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Is there a synonym for 'believe' that is appropriate for casual or informal conversations?

'Think' is a more casual or informal synonym for 'believe.' It's commonly used in everyday conversations to express an opinion or belief about something.

What is a synonym for the word ‘believe’ that is based more on emotional intuition than on evidence?

'Feel' is a synonym for 'believe' that captures the emotional or intuitive conviction behind a belief, rather than one based on logical evidence or factual proof.