What is another word for angry

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Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

Antonyms of angry


As in feeling or showing anger

Strongest matches:

- calm

- peaceful

- placid

- serene

Weak matches:

- content

- happy

- unruffled

- mild


As in indicative of anger

Strongest matches:

- gentle

- soothing

Weak matches:

- mild

- pleasant


irate, furious, incensed, enraged, livid, mad, annoyed, irritated, vexed, cross, displeased, fuming, seething, wrathful, indignant, aggravated, upset, choleric, exasperated, resentful

Usage examples:

1. After finding out her brother had borrowed her car without asking, Sarah was so angry.

2. The storm clouds gathered in an angry swirl, warning of the imminent, fierce downpour.

3. His stomach made an angry growl, reminding him that he had skipped breakfast in his rush.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'angry' that conveys a peaceful state of mind?

A common antonym for 'angry' that indicates a peaceful and serene state of mind is 'calm.' When someone is not angry, they are often described as being calm or at peace, suggesting a lack of agitation or emotional turmoil.

Is there an antonym for 'angry' that implies happiness or joy?

Yes, 'happy' or 'joyful' can be considered antonyms of 'angry.' These words describe a state of being that is the opposite of being angry, indicating a positive emotional condition where one experiences joy, contentment, or pleasure.

Can 'forgiving' be considered an antonym of 'angry'? How so?

'Forgiving' can indeed be viewed as an antonym of 'angry' in certain contexts. When someone chooses to forgive, they let go of anger and resentment towards another person or situation. This act of forgiveness moves them away from anger, making 'forgiving' an antonym in scenarios where anger is replaced with a willingness to pardon or overlook mistakes.

What antonym for 'angry' suggests a lack of interest or concern, rather than a positive emotional state?

'Indifferent' serves as an antonym for 'angry' by indicating a state of neutrality or a lack of strong feelings one way or the other. When someone is indifferent, they do not care enough about a situation to feel angry, thereby representing a neutral or disinterested state rather than an explicitly positive emotion.