What is another word for get up

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get up

/get ʌp

To rise from a lying, sitting, or kneeling posture; to stand up.

Antonyms of get up


As in physical motion

Strongest matches:

- sit down

- lie down

- recline

Weak matches:

- settle

- rest


As in leave bed

Strongest matches:

- go to bed

- hit the hay

Weak matches:

- nap

- sleep


rise, stand up, arise, rise to one's feet, ascend, awaken, wake up, stir, get to one's feet, climb, mount

Usage examples:

1. Every morning, I struggle to get up early for my yoga class.

2. After a long day of hiking, it was hard to get up from the cozy campfire.

3. The coach encouraged the player to get up quickly after the fall and continue the game.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a direct antonym for 'get up' in the context of rising from bed?

A direct antonym for 'get up' in this context is 'lie down' or 'go to bed,' as these phrases describe the action of moving into a position of rest, opposite to rising.

If I'm using 'get up' to mean standing up from a sitting position, what's the opposite action?

The opposite action would be 'sit down' or 'remain seated,' as these phrases describe the act of moving into or maintaining a sitting position, contrasting with standing up.

Can 'settle' be considered an antonym of 'get up' when discussing movements?

Yes, 'settle' can be considered an antonym in certain contexts. For instance, when 'get up' refers to becoming active or starting to move, 'settle' might mean to calm down or to stop moving, making it an opposite action in terms of activity level.

Is there a general term that contrasts with 'get up' when used to mean initiating action or starting something?

A general term that contrasts with 'get up' in the sense of initiating action would be 'wind down' or 'cease,' as these terms refer to reducing activity or bringing something to an end, opposite of starting or initiating action.