What is synonyms for is

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A present tense form of the verb 'to be,' used to indicate existence, identity, or a state of being.

Synonyms of is


As in existence or presence

Strongest matches:

- exists

- lives

- resides

Weak matches:

- dwells

- stands

- lies


As in identity

Strongest matches:

- equals

- constitutes

Weak matches:

- represents

- signifies

- symbolizes


As in state or condition

Strongest matches:

- remains

- stays

Weak matches:

- appears

- seems


As in equivalence

Strongest matches:

- equals

- amounts to

Weak matches:

- compares

- matches


is not, isn't

Usage examples:

1. The weather today is perfect for a picnic in the park.

2. She is excited about starting her new job next week.

3. This book is a great resource for learning about ancient history.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'is'?

Common synonyms for 'is' include 'exists,' 'remains,' 'constitutes,' and 'equates to.' The best choice depends on the context in which you're using the word.

Can 'represents' be used as a synonym for 'is'?

Yes, 'represents' can be used as a synonym for 'is' in contexts where you are talking about symbolism or indicating that one thing symbolizes or stands for another.

Is 'becomes' a suitable synonym for 'is'?

'Becomes' can be used in a similar context to 'is' but conveys a sense of change or transformation from one state to another. It's not a direct synonym but can be used where the meaning involves change.

How do I choose the right synonym for 'is' in my writing?

The key is to consider the context and what you're trying to convey. For stating existence, use 'exists'; for identity, 'equals'; for representation, 'represents'; and for condition or state, consider 'remains.' Always think about the nuance each synonym brings to your sentence.