What is synonyms for brother

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A male sibling.

Synonyms of brother


As in family member

Strongest matches:

- sibling

- kin

- blood relative

Weak matches:

- kinsman

- relation

- family member


As in male sibling

Strongest matches:

- brother

- blood brother

Weak matches:

- half-brother

- stepbrother


As in fellow member

Strongest matches:

- comrade

- fellow member

- associate

Weak matches:

- colleague

- partner

- ally


As in informal or affectionate term for a man or boy

Strongest matches:

- buddy

- pal

Weak matches:

- mate

- friend

- chum


sister, female, sibling

Usage examples:

1. My younger brother always looks up to me for guidance and support, making me strive to be a better role model for him.

2. In the medieval times, monks living together in a monastery were often referred to as brothers, sharing a common life of prayer and work.

3. She often called her closest male friends 'brother' as a term of endearment and respect.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'brother'?

Common synonyms include 'sibling,' 'kin,' 'bro,' and 'blood relative.' Each term emphasizes a slightly different aspect of the relationship but they all can be used to refer to a male sibling.

Is 'comrade' a synonym for 'brother'?

Yes, 'comrade' can be considered a synonym for 'brother' in contexts that emphasize camaraderie, fellowship, or shared experiences, especially in military, revolutionary, or similar settings. However, it's less commonly used in the context of family relationships.

Can 'frater' be used as a synonym for 'brother'?

Yes, 'frater' is a less commonly used term that originates from Latin, meaning brother. It is often found in more formal or historical contexts, such as within religious orders or in ancient texts.

Are there any gender-neutral synonyms for 'brother'?

Yes, gender-neutral synonyms include 'sibling,' 'family member,' and 'kin.' These terms are useful when referring to a person's siblings without specifying gender.