What is synonyms for congratulations

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Expressions of joy and good wishes for someone's success or happiness.

Synonyms of congratulations


Strongest matches:

- Well done!

- Bravo!

- Kudos!

- Hats off!

- Thumbs up!

Weak matches:

- Good job!

- Great work!

- Excellent!

- Way to go!

- Nice going!


condolences, commiserations, criticisms, reproofs, reproaches, rebukes, censures, disapprovals

Usage examples:

1. Congratulations on your promotion to manager!

2. Congratulations to the happy couple on their wedding day!

3. Congratulations on completing your first marathon!

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more informal synonym for 'congratulations'?

A more informal synonym for 'congratulations' that fits well in casual settings is 'kudos.' It's a way to give praise or credit to someone in a relaxed manner.

Is there a synonym for 'congratulations' that is suitable for professional or formal communications?

Yes, 'best wishes' is a synonym that carries a formal tone and is appropriate for professional settings or formal communications. It conveys a sense of goodwill and celebration in a respectful manner.

What is a synonym for 'congratulations' that expresses a high level of excitement?

'Cheers' is a lively and enthusiastic synonym for 'congratulations.' It's often used to express joy and celebration, making it perfect for occasions where you want to convey strong excitement.

Is there a synonym for 'congratulations' that emphasizes the achievement aspect?

'Well done' is a synonym that highlights the accomplishment behind the congratulations. It focuses on the effort and success of the individual, making it suitable when you want to specifically acknowledge someone's achievement.