What is synonyms for consumerism

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The ideology that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts.

Synonyms of consumerism


As in practice of an ever-increasing acquisition and consumption of goods

Strongest matches:

- materialism

- commercialism

- acquisitiveness

Weak matches:

- shopaholism

- buying spree

- spending spree


As in social and economic order

Strongest matches:

- capitalism

- free-market capitalism

Weak matches:

- market economy

- economic materialism


minimalism, frugality, asceticism, simplicity, thrift, abstemiousness

Usage examples:

1. The rise of consumerism has significantly impacted the way manufacturers design and market their products.

2. Critics argue that consumerism contributes to environmental degradation by encouraging a culture of disposability and unnecessary consumption of resources.

3. During the holiday season, consumerism reaches its peak, with people rushing to buy gifts and take advantage of sales, often spending beyond their means.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another term commonly used to describe consumerism?

Materialism is another term that closely aligns with consumerism. Both refer to a cultural focus on the acquisition of goods and an emphasis on material wealth as a primary value or goal.

Can 'capitalism' be considered a synonym for consumerism?

While capitalism and consumerism are related concepts, they are not strict synonyms. Capitalism refers to an economic system where trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit. Consumerism, on the other hand, focuses more on the societal tendency to buy and use goods and services in large quantities. However, consumerism can be seen as a behavior or trend within capitalist societies.

Is 'shopaholism' a synonym for consumerism, and if so, how do they relate?

'Shopaholism' or 'compulsive buying' is often considered a personal condition or behavior characterized by an uncontrollable urge to shop, which can be a manifestation of consumerism on an individual level. While consumerism refers to a broader cultural or societal trend, shopaholism is a more specific term that describes an individual's behavior within that context.

Does 'commercialism' serve as a synonym for consumerism?

Commercialism and consumerism are closely related concepts and can sometimes be used interchangeably. However, commercialism specifically refers to the emphasis on the maximization of profit through widespread promotion and sales of goods and services. Consumerism, while it involves the consumption of these goods and services, places more focus on the consumer behavior and societal trends driving this consumption. In essence, commercialism can be seen as the practice or attitude of prioritizing commercial interests, often leading to or supporting a culture of consumerism.