What is synonyms for during this time

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during this time

/ˈdjuːrɪŋ ðɪs taɪm/

In the course of the current period or moment.

Synonyms of during this time


Strongest matches:

- in this period

- throughout this time

- during this period

- over this span

- while this is happening

Weak matches:

- at this time

- in the meantime

- meanwhile

- at present

- at the moment


before this time, after this time

Usage examples:

1. During this time of year, the park is especially beautiful, with the leaves changing colors and the crisp autumn air.

2. The company has seen significant growth during this time, thanks to the successful launch of its new product line.

3. She found solace in her music during this time, using it as a way to express her feelings and cope with the challenges she faced.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'during this time' that can be used in academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'during this time' suitable for academic writing is 'in this period.'

Is there a concise synonym for 'during this time' that I can use in business communications?

Yes, 'meanwhile' is a concise synonym that is perfect for business communications.

Is there a synonym for 'during this time' that implies a sense of immediacy or urgency?

'Amidst' is a synonym that can convey a sense of immediacy or urgency, as in 'amidst this period.'

What is an informal synonym for 'during this time' that I can use in everyday conversation?

'At the moment' is an informal synonym that is perfect for casual or everyday conversation.