What is synonyms for feedback

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A response given to a particular process or activity, often used for assessment and improvement purposes.

Synonyms of feedback


As in feedback as a response or reaction

Strongest matches:

- response

- reaction

- reply

- evaluation

Weak matches:

- commentary

- critique

- assessment

- opinion


As in feedback as information or input

Strongest matches:

- input

- advice

- suggestions

Weak matches:

- insights

- observations

- recommendations


silence, neglect, disregard, ignorance, indifference

Usage examples:

1. The teacher's feedback on the essay was constructive and detailed.

2. After the presentation, the team eagerly awaited feedback from the client.

3. The new app's development team actively sought user feedback to identify bugs and implement new features based on the suggestions received.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'feedback' often used in business settings?

In business contexts, the term 'evaluation' is frequently employed as a more formal synonym for 'feedback.' It conveys a systematic assessment of performance or progress.

Is there a synonym for 'feedback' that implies a more informal, conversational exchange of ideas?

Yes, 'input' is a synonym that suggests a less formal exchange of ideas, opinions, or information. It's often used to encourage open dialogue and contribution from all participants.

What synonym can be used for 'feedback' when referring to the educational context, particularly in relation to student work?

'Critique' is a synonym used in educational contexts, especially when discussing the analysis and assessment of students' work. It implies a detailed review aimed at improving the student's work or understanding.

Which synonym for 'feedback' is best suited for the context of improving based on customer opinions?

'Customer insights' is a term that fits well in contexts involving the improvement of products or services based on customer feedback. It emphasizes the value of understanding customer experiences and preferences to make informed decisions.