What is synonyms for feet

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A unit of linear measurement equal to 12 inches or approximately 30.48 centimeters.

Synonyms of feet


As in units of measurement

Strongest matches:

- foot

- foot measurement

Weak matches:

- imperial unit

- standard unit


As in bottom part of the leg

Strongest matches:

- soles

- toes

Weak matches:

- extremities

- lower limbs


hands, head

Usage examples:

1. After a long day of hiking, her feet were sore and covered in blisters, making every step back to the campsite a painful endeavor.

2. The architect meticulously measured the room dimensions in feet to ensure that the new furniture would fit perfectly.

3. In an impressive display of flexibility, the gymnast executed a routine that included grabbing her feet while flipping through the air.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'feet' when referring to the part of the body?

Some common synonyms for 'feet' in the context of body parts include 'paws' when referring to animals, 'pedals' in a more humorous or informal context, and 'trotters' often used informally or in jest.

Are there any synonyms for 'feet' that can be used in a poetic or literary context?

Yes, in poetic or literary contexts, 'feet' can be referred to as 'soles,' 'hooves' for animals, or even 'footsteps' when focusing on the action of walking. The term 'pedestals' can also be used metaphorically to describe feet in a way that elevates their importance or beauty.

Can 'feet' have synonyms in the context of measurement?

In the context of measurement, 'feet' can be synonymously referred to as 'foot units' or simply 'units,' when the context of measurement is clear. However, it's less common to find direct synonyms in this context due to the specificity of measurement terms.

What are some informal or slang terms that serve as synonyms for 'feet'?

Informal or slang terms for 'feet' include 'dogs,' particularly in the phrase 'my dogs are barking' to mean one's feet are aching. 'Tootsies' or 'flippers' can also be used informally, often in a more playful or affectionate manner.