What is synonyms for homeless

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Lacking a permanent place of residence.

Synonyms of homeless


Strongest matches:

- vagrant

- unhoused

- homeless person

Weak matches:

- drifter

- nomad

- wanderer


Strongest matches:

- unhoused

- dispossessed

Weak matches:

- itinerant

- nomadic

- roofless


homed, housed, settled, sheltered

Usage examples:

Here are three sentences using the word homeless:

1. The city has launched a new program to provide shelter and resources for the homeless population.

2. She volunteered at a soup kitchen to help feed the homeless during the cold winter months.

3. The organization works tirelessly to find housing and support services for homeless families.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal term for 'homeless'?

A more formal term often used in place of 'homeless' is 'unhoused.' This term is used in formal writings and discussions to refer to individuals who do not have a stable, permanent, or adequate place to live.

Is there a synonym for 'homeless' that emphasizes the lack of a permanent residence?

Yes, 'displaced' is a synonym that highlights the lack of a permanent residence. It conveys the idea that the individual has been moved or removed from their home, leading to their current state without stable housing.

Can 'vagrant' be used interchangeably with 'homeless'?

While 'vagrant' can refer to someone who is homeless, it carries a specific connotation of wandering or living on the streets without a fixed home. It is often used in legal or formal contexts but can be perceived as derogatory or insensitive when referring to homeless individuals in general.

What synonym for 'homeless' is suitable for describing young individuals without a home?

'Street youth' or 'runaway' are terms specifically used to describe young individuals who are homeless. These terms often imply that the individuals have left their family or guardian and are living on the streets, though 'runaway' suggests leaving home voluntarily, while 'street youth' focuses more on the condition of being without a home, regardless of the reason.