What is synonyms for finally

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At last, after a long time or some difficulty.

Synonyms of finally


As in indicating the conclusion of an event or process

Strongest matches:

- eventually

- ultimately

- lastly

Weak matches:

- conclusively

- in the end

- at last


As in indicating definitiveness or decisiveness

Strongest matches:

- conclusively

- irrevocably

Weak matches:

- definitively

- unalterably


initially, originally, firstly, at first, initially

Usage examples:

1. After years of hard work and dedication, she finally achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.

2. As the long meeting finally came to an end, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

3. The software update finally completed after several hours.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another word for 'finally' that implies a conclusion?

'Ultimately' is a commonly used synonym for 'finally' that suggests a conclusion or an end result after all events.

Is there a synonym for 'finally' that indicates a sense of relief?

Yes, 'at last' is a synonym for 'finally' that often conveys a sense of relief after a long wait or a series of events.

Can 'eventually' be used interchangeably with 'finally'?

Yes, 'eventually' can be used as a synonym for 'finally.' However, it sometimes implies that something will happen at an unspecified time in the future, rather than concluding a sequence of events.

What is a formal synonym for 'finally' suitable for written reports or presentations?

'In conclusion' is a formal synonym that is often used in written reports, presentations, and formal speeches to indicate the final point or summary of the discussed matters.