What is synonyms for in addition

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in addition

/in əˈdɪʃən/

Moreover, also serving to include or introduce an additional point or detail.

Synonyms of in addition


Strongest matches:

- moreover

- furthermore

- additionally

- besides

Weak matches:

- also

- likewise

- too

- as well


Strongest matches:

- plus

Weak matches:

- and


Strongest matches:

- on top of

Weak matches:

- along with

- together with


subtraction, removal, deduction, decrease, exclusion

Usage examples:

1. The recipe calls for two cups of flour and, in addition, a teaspoon of baking soda.

2. In addition to her responsibilities at work, she volunteers at the animal shelter on weekends.

3. The museum offers a guided tour of the art collection and, in addition, provides a hands-on workshop for visitors.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'in addition' that can be used in academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'in addition' suitable for academic writing is 'moreover.' This term is often used to introduce additional, significant information related to the argument or discussion.

Is there a concise synonym for 'in addition' that can be used for brevity in text?

Yes, 'also' is a concise synonym for 'in addition' that is perfect for brevity. It succinctly adds information or items to a list without the need for longer phrases.

Is there a synonym for 'in addition' that implies a logical continuation of thought?

'Furthermore' is an ideal synonym that not only adds information but also implies a logical progression or deepening of the discussion. It's particularly useful in texts where each point builds on the previous one.

What is an informal synonym for 'in addition' that can be used in casual conversation or writing?

'Plus' is an informal synonym that works well in casual conversations or informal writing. It adds information in a relaxed, conversational tone.