What is another word for toxic

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Harmful or poisonous in nature; characterized by behavior that will negatively impact others, especially mentally or emotionally.

Antonyms of toxic


As in causing harm

Strongest matches:

- safe

- non-toxic

- healthy

- beneficial

- harmless

Weak matches:

- pure

- wholesome

- nontoxic

- clean


As in behavior that negatively impact others

Strongest matches:

- dysfunctional

- injurious

- malignant

- disordered

- maleficent

Weak matches:

- hurtful

- vindictive

- abusive


poisonous, venomous, noxious, harmful, dangerous, deadly, lethal, fatal, pernicious, hazardous, injurious, detrimental, deleterious, baneful, malignant, virulent, nocuous, baleful

Usage examples:

1. The company was fined for dumping toxic waste into the river.

2. Exposure to toxic chemicals can cause serious health problems.

3. The relationship became so toxic that she felt her only option was to leave.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'toxic' when referring to substances?

A common antonym for 'toxic' when discussing substances is 'non-toxic.' This term is used to describe substances that are not harmful or poisonous to humans, animals, or the environment.

What word can be used to describe a relationship that is the opposite of toxic?

A relationship that is the opposite of toxic can be described as 'healthy' or 'nurturing.' These terms indicate a relationship that is supportive, positive, and beneficial to the well-being of the individuals involved.

Is there an antonym for 'toxic' that specifically relates to workplace environments?

Yes, a workplace environment that is the opposite of toxic can be described as 'supportive' or 'positive.' Such an environment fosters growth, respect among colleagues, and a healthy work-life balance.

Can 'beneficial' be considered an antonym for 'toxic'? In what context?

Yes, 'beneficial' can be considered an antonym for 'toxic' in the context of effects or influences on health, ecosystems, or situations. For instance, while a toxic substance harms living organisms, a beneficial substance supports health and growth.