What is synonyms for percentage

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A ratio or fraction expressed as a part of 100.

Synonyms of percentage


As in proportion or share

Strongest matches:

- proportion

- ratio

- fraction

- portion

- share

Weak matches:

- segment

- piece

- slice

- part

- component


As in rate or degree

Strongest matches:

- rate

- degree

- level

- extent

Weak matches:

- scale

- measure

- intensity

- magnitude


As in interest or profit

Strongest matches:

- interest

- yield

- return

- profit

Weak matches:

- gain

- earnings

- proceeds

- income


whole, entirety, total, completeness

Usage examples:

1. Sarah realized that a large percentage of her monthly income was going towards eating out.

2. The teacher explained that the percentage increase in test scores was a direct result of the new study techniques implemented in class.

3. In the report, it was highlighted that a significant percentage of the forest area had been affected by the recent wildfires.

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Frequently asked questions

What is another common word I can use instead of 'percentage'?

A common synonym for 'percentage' is 'proportion.'

Is there a more technical term that means the same as 'percentage'?

Yes, 'percentile' is a more technical term that is often used in statistics to describe the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations falls.

Can I use 'ratio' as a synonym for 'percentage' in reports or presentations?

Yes, 'ratio' can be used as a synonym for 'percentage' in certain contexts, especially when you are comparing two quantities or amounts.

What is a less commonly used synonym for 'percentage' that I can use to diversify my vocabulary?

'Quota' can be considered a less commonly used synonym for 'percentage' in contexts where a specific share or portion of something is allocated.