What is synonyms for keener

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A person who is highly enthusiastic and eager about something.

Synonyms of keener


As in eager or enthusiastic

Strongest matches:

- eager

- enthusiastic

- avid

- ardent

Weak matches:

- zealous

- fervent

- impassioned

- earnest


As in sharp or piercing

Strongest matches:

- sharp

- piercing

- acute

Weak matches:

- incisive

- penetrating

- intense


Strongest matches:

- mourner

- wailer

Weak matches:

- lamentor

- griever


duller, indifferent, unenthusiastic, disinterested, apathetic

Usage examples:

1. As a keener in the class, she always sat in the front row and eagerly participated in every discussion.

2. The new intern is a keener who stays late to ensure all tasks are completed perfectly.

3. He's known as a keener at work, often volunteering for extra projects and striving to exceed expectations.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more common synonym for 'keener' when referring to someone eager to learn?

A more common synonym for 'keener' in the context of eagerness to learn is 'enthusiast.' An enthusiast shows a strong interest in a particular subject or activity and is always eager to learn more about it.

Is there a synonym for 'keener' that emphasizes the aspect of being hardworking or diligent?

Yes, 'diligent' itself is a synonym that emphasizes the hardworking nature of a keener. Another term closely aligned with this aspect is 'industrious,' which connotes being very hardworking and conscientious about one's duties or studies.

For someone who is extremely passionate about a hobby or subject, what synonym of 'keener' would be appropriate?

For someone with an intense passion for a hobby or subject, 'aficionado' is an appropriate synonym. This term specifically denotes a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime.

What synonym can be used for 'keener' to describe a person with a keen intellect or sharpness in understanding complex concepts?

'Savvy' is a suitable synonym to describe someone with a keen intellect or an acute ability to understand and deal with complex concepts. It suggests a practical knowledge or insight, making it an apt descriptor for someone intellectually sharp.