What is synonyms for led to

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led to

/led tuː/

Caused or resulted in.

Synonyms of led to


As in caused

Strongest matches:

- provoked

- induced

- triggered

Weak matches:

- facilitated

- contributed to

- brought about


As in resulted in

Strongest matches:

- generated

- produced

- created

Weak matches:

- engendered

- spawned

- effected


As in influenced

Strongest matches:

- swayed

- persuaded

- motivated

Weak matches:

- inspired

- encouraged

- urged


prevented, hindered, obstructed, deterred, impeded, blocked, thwarted, stopped

Usage examples:

1. Lack of exercise can lead to various health problems, including obesity and heart disease.

2. Ignoring regular maintenance of your car can lead to costly repairs down the road.

3. The series of unfortunate events led to a complete overhaul of the emergency response plan.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'led to' that implies direct causation?

A common synonym that implies direct causation is 'resulted in.' This phrase is often used to specify that one event directly caused another event or outcome.

Is there a more formal synonym for 'led to' that can be used in academic writing?

Yes, 'precipitated' is a more formal synonym that can be used in academic writing. It suggests that one action or event hastened the occurrence of another.

Can 'contributed to' be considered a synonym for 'led to'?

'Contributed to' can be considered a synonym but with a nuance in meaning. While 'led to' often implies a more direct cause-and-effect relationship, 'contributed to' suggests that the event or action was one of several factors that caused an outcome, indicating partial causation rather than full responsibility.

What synonym for 'led to' suggests an immediate effect or outcome?

'Triggered' is a synonym that suggests an immediate effect or outcome. It is particularly useful when describing a situation where one event quickly and directly causes another.