What is synonyms for love you

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love you

/lʌv juː/

An expression of deep affection and emotional attachment to someone.

Synonyms of love you


Strongest matches:

- I adore you

- I cherish you

- I'm in love with you

Weak matches:

- I'm fond of you

- I have feelings for you

- I appreciate you

- I hold you dear

- I like you a lot

- I care for you deeply

- You mean the world to me


hate you, despise you, loathe you, detest you

Usage examples:

1. The child hugged her grandma tightly and whispered, 'Love you, Nana!'

2. Tears welled in her eyes as she wrote the letter, 'With all my love, Mom'.

3. I love you for who you are, flaws and all.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for saying 'love you'?

A more formal way to express 'love you' would be 'I cherish you.' This term elevates the sentiment and is often used in serious or deeply emotional contexts.

How can I express 'love you' in a casual, friendly manner?

For a casual, friendly expression, saying 'I'm fond of you' can convey affection without the romantic implication, making it suitable for friends and family.

Is there a poetic synonym for 'love you' that I can use in writing?

Yes, 'my heart belongs to you' is a poetic and romantic way to express 'love you.' It adds depth and emotion, making it perfect for letters, poems, or romantic expressions.

What is a strong synonym for 'love you' that emphasizes a deep, passionate feeling?

Saying 'I adore you' conveys a deep and passionate level of affection. It's stronger than simply saying 'love you' and is used to express intense feelings of love and admiration.