What is synonyms for just as

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just as

/ˈdʒʌst æz/

In the same way that.

Synonyms of just as


Strongest matches:

- equally as

- in the same way as

- in the manner that

Weak matches:

- likewise


Strongest matches:

- similarly

- likewise

- equivalently

Weak matches:

- correspondingly

- equally


before, earlier than, when, differently

Usage examples:

1. She arrived just as the meeting was about to start.

2. The cake was decorated with flowers just as the bride had requested.

3. He finished his homework just as his favorite TV show began.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'just as'?

A common synonym for 'just as' are 'equally as', 'in the same way as', 'likewise.'

Can I use 'equally' in any context to replace 'just as'?

While 'equally' can often be used in place of 'just as,' its use is more appropriate in contexts emphasizing the sameness in degree, quantity, or value. It might not fit as well in contexts purely comparing actions or methods.

Is there a difference between using 'similarly' and 'likewise' as synonyms for 'just as'?

Both 'similarly' and 'likewise' can be used to show similarity or agreement in actions, methods, or conditions. However, 'similarly' is often used to draw parallels between two actions or situations, whereas 'likewise' can also be used to agree with a statement or to indicate doing something in the same manner as someone else.

Are there any scenarios where it might not be appropriate to use a synonym for 'just as'?

Yes, in contexts where the phrase 'just as' introduces a timing element (e.g., 'just as the sun was setting') or a conditional statement (e.g., 'just as you would expect'), synonyms like 'equally,' 'similarly,' or 'likewise' may not convey the intended meaning accurately. It's important to consider the specific context and meaning you wish to communicate.