What is synonyms for male dog

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male dog

/meɪl dɔɡ/

An adult male canine.

Synonyms of male dog


Strongest matches:

- dog

- hound

Weak matches:

- canine

- mutt

- pooch

- cur

- mongrel

- doggy


female dog

Usage examples:

1. The male dog in the park was energetically chasing after a frisbee, much to the amusement of onlookers.

2. It's essential to evaluate the health and temperament of the male dog to ensure the well-being of future puppies.

3. The veterinarian advised that neutering the male dog could help reduce aggressive behavior and prevent unwanted litters.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for a male dog?

A common synonym for a male dog is 'dog.' However, when specifically referring to the gender, 'male dog' is often simply referred to as a 'dog.' In more technical or breeding contexts, a male dog may be called a 'sire' once it has fathered offspring.

Is there a specific term used for young male dogs?

Yes, young male dogs are often referred to as 'puppies,' just like their female counterparts. The term 'puppy' applies to all dogs under a certain age, typically around one year. There isn't a gender-specific term that differentiates male puppies from female puppies in common usage.

Are there any breed-specific synonyms for male dogs?

Generally, synonyms for male dogs are not breed-specific but are universal across all dog breeds. Terms like 'sire' can be used across all breeds for a male dog that has produced offspring. However, breed-specific terms are more often related to characteristics or standards within the breed rather than the gender of the dogs.

In dog showing or breeding, is there a preferred term for referring to male dogs?

In dog showing or breeding contexts, male dogs may be referred to as 'studs' or 'sires.' The term 'stud' is used for a male dog that is kept for breeding purposes, while 'sire' is used to refer to a male dog after it has fathered puppies. These terms are more specific and carry the implication of the dog being of high quality or desirable genetics for breeding.