What is synonyms for death anniversary

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death anniversary

/deθ ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri/

A commemoration or observance of the exact day an individual passed away in previous years.

Synonyms of death anniversary


Strongest matches:

- Remembrance Day

- Memorial Day

Weak matches:

- commemoration

- anniversary of death

- death commemoration

- angelversary


birth anniversary, birthday

Usage examples:

1. Every year on the death anniversary of her grandmother, Maria visits the cemetery to lay flowers on her grave and spend some quiet time remembering the wonderful moments they shared.

2. The community organized a solemn ceremony on the death anniversary of the local hero, commemorating his bravery and sacrifice with speeches, a moment of silence, and the laying of wreaths.

3. As the first death anniversary of the beloved author approached, fans worldwide planned virtual readings of her most famous works, celebrating her legacy and the impact she had on the literary world.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some alternative phrases to 'death anniversary'?

Several phrases can be used interchangeably with 'death anniversary,' including 'remembrance day,' 'memorial day,' and 'commemoration date.'

Is 'angelversary' a suitable synonym for 'death anniversary'?

Yes, 'angelversary' is often used in informal contexts or personal communications to refer to the anniversary of a loved one's passing, highlighting a more affectionate and less somber tone.

Can 'tribute day' be considered a synonym for 'death anniversary'?

Yes, 'tribute day' can be used as a synonym for 'death anniversary,' especially in contexts where the focus is on celebrating the life and legacy of the deceased rather than mourning their loss.

Is there a difference between 'memorial day' and 'death anniversary'?

While 'memorial day' can refer to the specific day commemorating an individual's death, it is also a term used for public holidays dedicated to honoring fallen soldiers. Therefore, its meaning can vary based on context, whereas 'death anniversary' explicitly marks the year-to-year remembrance of someone's passing.