What is synonyms for this shows

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this shows

/ðɪs ʃoʊz/

A display or demonstration of a particular skill, quality, or emotion.

Synonyms of this shows


Strongest matches:

- this demonstrates

- this indicates

- this explains

- this establishes

- this confirms

- this proves

- this validates

- this supports

Weak matches:

- this hints at

- this could mean

- this might indicate

- this may point to

- this could be interpreted as

- this appears to indicate

- this seems to suggest


this hides, this conceals, this obscures, this masks, this covers up

Usage examples:

1. The increase in sales this quarter is impressive; this shows that our new marketing strategy is working.

2. She received high praise from her professor for her research paper, and this shows her dedication to her studies.

3. The team's consistent victories this season are remarkable; this shows their commitment and hard work.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a more formal synonym for 'this shows' that can be used in academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'this shows' suitable for academic contexts is 'this demonstrates.' This phrase is commonly used to present evidence or examples that support an argument or theory in a scholarly manner.

Is there a synonym for 'this shows' that implies a strong cause-and-effect relationship?

Yes, 'this indicates' is a synonym that implies a strong cause-and-effect relationship. It suggests that the information provided is not just casual or coincidental but serves as a clear sign or indication of a particular effect or outcome.

Can you suggest a synonym for 'this shows' that is appropriate for use in a scientific research paper?

In the context of scientific research, 'this evidences' is an appropriate synonym for 'this shows.' It conveys that the information or data presented serves as evidence supporting a scientific hypothesis or conclusion.

What is a concise synonym for 'this shows' that could be used in business or technical writing?

'This reveals' is a concise synonym suitable for business or technical writing. It implies that the information disclosed provides insight or uncovers details about a particular topic, issue, or process in a clear and direct manner.