What is synonyms for said

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Uttered or expressed with the voice.

Synonyms of said


As in expressing in words

Strongest matches:

- stated

- declared

- announced

- proclaimed

Weak matches:

- mentioned

- remarked

- noted

- commented


As in opining or arguing

Strongest matches:

- asserted

- argued

- contended

Weak matches:

- suggested

- opined

- believed

- claimed


As in reporting speech

Strongest matches:

- reported

- recounted

- narrated

Weak matches:

- described

- explained

- detailed

- relayed


As in informing

Strongest matches:

- informed

- advised

- notified

Weak matches:

- briefed

- enlightened

- updated

- apprised


As in expressing a condition or outcome

Strongest matches:

- stipulated

- specified

Weak matches:

- conditioned

- predicated


unsaid, retracted, silenced, unsung, unheard, unspoken, unvoiced, suppressed, unexpressed, unarticulated

Usage examples:

1. John said he needed some time to cool off before they could continue the discussion.

2. The teacher said that the homework was due by the end of the week.

3. I've always said that honesty is the best policy.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some formal synonyms for 'said' that can be used in academic writing?

In academic writing, it's often advisable to use synonyms that convey the manner or tone in which something was said, to add clarity and precision. Examples include 'asserted,' 'claimed,' 'noted,' 'stated,' and 'argued.' Each of these alternatives provides a specific insight into how the information was conveyed by the speaker.

Can you suggest synonyms for 'said' that express excitement or enthusiasm?

Yes, to convey excitement or enthusiasm, you might consider using words like 'exclaimed,' 'enthused,' or 'raved.' These terms suggest a high level of energy or emotion in the speaker's delivery, making them perfect for lively dialogues or narratives.

What are some synonyms for 'said' that imply a quiet or secretive tone?

For situations requiring a quieter or more secretive tone, synonyms such as 'whispered,' 'murmured,' 'muttered,' or 'hissed' can be very effective. Each of these words suggests a different level of volume and intention, helping to set the mood or atmosphere in a piece of writing.

Are there any synonyms for 'said' that indicate sadness or regret?

When aiming to express sadness or regret through dialogue, consider using words like 'lamented,' 'sighed,' 'moaned,' or 'sobbed.' These choices can help convey the emotional state of the speaker, adding depth and feeling to the narrative or dialogue.