What is synonyms for or

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A conjunction used to introduce an alternative.

Synonyms of or


As in alternative choice

Strongest matches:

- else

- otherwise

Weak matches:

- alternatively

- either


As in clarification or restatement

Strongest matches:

- that is

- i.e.

Weak matches:

- in other words

- to put it another way


nor, neither, and, not

Usage examples:

1. Would you prefer coffee or tea with your breakfast?

2. You can take the bus or walk to the office; both options are convenient.

3. The weather forecast predicts rain or snow, so be prepared for either.

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Frequently asked questions

What is an alternative word that can be used in place of 'or'?

'Alternatively' can be used in place of 'or,' especially when suggesting a choice between different options.

Can 'else' be used as a synonym for 'or'?

Yes, 'else' can serve as a synonym for 'or,' particularly in contexts implying a choice between two alternatives. For example, 'Would you like tea, or else we have coffee?'

Is there a formal synonym for 'or' that can be used in professional or academic writing?

'Otherwise' can be considered a more formal synonym for 'or,' especially in contexts that involve conditions or implications of choices.

Are there any synonyms for 'or' that are specific to mathematical or logical contexts?

In mathematical or logical contexts, 'either...or' is used to denote a choice between two mutually exclusive options, serving as a precise synonym for 'or.'