What is synonyms for through

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Expressing movement into one side and out of the other side of an opening, channel, or location.

Synonyms of through


As in location or movement

Strongest matches:

- across

- over

Weak matches:

- by

- past


As in time

Strongest matches:

- during

- throughout

Weak matches:

- over


As in means or method

Strongest matches:

- by

- via

Weak matches:

- using

- with


Strongest matches:

- thoroughly

Weak matches:

- completely

- entirely


Strongest matches:

- direct

- straight

Weak matches:

- uninterrupted

- unbroken


around, bypassing, circumventing, avoiding, skirting, dodging, evading

Usage examples:

1. She walked through the park, enjoying the crisp autumn air and colorful leaves.

2. The light shone through the window, casting a warm glow across the room.

3. He persevered through the challenges and emerged stronger and more determined.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common synonym for 'through' when referring to movement from one side to another?

A common synonym for 'through' in the context of movement from one side to the other is 'across.' This term implies a direct path or movement from one point to another across a certain space or barrier.

When discussing completion, what synonym can replace 'through'?

'Finished' or 'completed' can be used as synonyms for 'through' when discussing the completion of a task or project. These terms indicate that something has been brought to an end or concluded.

What synonym of 'through' is used to express the means by which something is done?

'By means of' or simply 'by' can replace 'through' when expressing the method or process used to achieve something. For example, 'He succeeded through hard work' can be rephrased as 'He succeeded by means of hard work.'

Is there a synonym for 'through' that implies a thorough examination or search?

'Throughout' can serve as a synonym in contexts that imply conducting a thorough examination or search within an entire area or document. However, in contexts specifically emphasizing detailed inspection or exploration, 'inside and out' or 'from top to bottom' might be more precise alternatives.