What is synonyms for things

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Objects, items, or entities that are not specified or are considered in a general way.

Synonyms of things


As in objects or items

Strongest matches:

- items

- objects

- articles

- goods

Weak matches:

- possessions

- stuff

- belongings

- effects


As in matters or issues

Strongest matches:

- issues

- subjects

- topics

- matters

Weak matches:

- concerns

- points

- cases

- questions


As in to place or set down

Strongest matches:

- places

- sets

- lays

- deposits

Weak matches:

- positions

- situates

- locates

- installs


nonentities, nothings, nullities

Usage examples:

1. After moving into the new apartment, we realized we needed a lot of things, like furniture and kitchen utensils, to make it feel like home.

2. The science museum's latest exhibition on space exploration showcases all sorts of interesting things, from meteorite fragments to models of the Mars rovers.

3. In her motivational speech, she emphasized that focusing on the positive things in life, no matter how small, can significantly improve our mental well-being and outlook.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for 'things' when referring to objects or items?

Common synonyms include 'items,' 'objects,' 'belongings,' 'goods,' 'stuff,' and 'possessions.' The choice depends on the context in which you're referring to these 'things.'

Is there a more formal synonym for 'things' that can be used in academic or professional writing?

Yes, 'articles,' 'assets,' or 'properties' can serve as more formal synonyms. 'Entities' might also fit, depending on the context. These terms are often preferred in formal writing over the more colloquial 'things.'

What synonyms can I use for 'things' when referring to abstract concepts or ideas?

For abstract concepts, you might use 'elements,' 'aspects,' 'concepts,' or 'factors.' These words provide a way to discuss intangible 'things' in more specific terms.

Are there any synonyms for 'things' that specifically relate to tasks or activities?

Yes, 'tasks,' 'activities,' 'chores,' 'duties,' and 'endeavors' can all serve as synonyms in contexts where 'things' refers to actions or responsibilities rather than physical objects.