What is another word for proud

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Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.

Antonyms of proud


Strongest matches:

- humble

- modest

- ashamed

Weak matches:

- meek

- shy

- unassuming


Strongest matches:

- humility

- modesty

Weak matches:

- insecurity

- self-doubt


arrogant, boastful, haughty, conceited, self-satisfied, egotistic, prideful, vain, self-important, pompous

Usage examples:

1. After months of hard work, she stood in front of her painting at the gallery, feeling incredibly proud of the masterpiece she had created.

2. The peacock strutted around the garden, proud of its dazzling feathers, attracting the attention of all the visitors.

3. As a parent, he was proud to see his daughter graduate from college, knowing all the challenges she had overcome to achieve her degree.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a common antonym for 'proud'?

A common antonym for 'proud' is 'humble.' While 'proud' refers to a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction due to one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions, 'humble' suggests a modest or low view of one's own importance.

Can 'ashamed' be considered an antonym of 'proud'?

Yes, 'ashamed' can be considered an antonym of 'proud.' 'Ashamed' implies a feeling of guilt, embarrassment, or disgrace, often in situations where one has failed to meet expectations or standards, which contrasts with the positive connotation of pride.

Is 'modest' a direct antonym of 'proud,' and how do they differ?

'Modest' is indeed an antonym of 'proud,' but it differs in its emphasis. While 'proud' may convey a sense of self-satisfaction and possibly an overt display of one's achievements, 'modest' emphasizes downplaying one's abilities or accomplishments, focusing on simplicity and humility.

How does the context affect the choice of antonym for 'proud'?

The context significantly affects the choice of antonym. In a context emphasizing emotional states, 'ashamed' might be more appropriate. For contexts focusing on attitudes towards achievements or status, 'humble' or 'modest' could be more fitting. The specific relationship or contrast intended in the context determines the most suitable antonym.