What is synonyms for throughout

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In every part or during the entire time or extent of something.

Synonyms of throughout


Strongest matches:

- everywhere

- all over

- all around

Weak matches:

- in every part

- in all respects

- across


Strongest matches:

- during

- over

- across

Weak matches:

- amid

- amongst

- through


partly, partially, incompletely, never, nowhere, not at all

Usage examples:

1. Throughout the long winter months, she took time every day to write in her journal, documenting her thoughts and experiences.

2. The new policy will be implemented throughout the company, affecting all departments from marketing to finance.

3. He searched throughout the house for his missing keys, checking under cushions and in every drawer.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms for 'throughout' when referring to time?

When referring to time, synonyms for 'throughout' include 'during,' 'through,' 'over the course of,' and 'all through.' Each of these can be used to indicate an action or event happening from the beginning to the end of a specific time period.

Can 'across' be used as a synonym for 'throughout'?

Yes, 'across' can sometimes be used as a synonym for 'throughout,' especially when describing the extent of something covering an area. For example, 'The festival was celebrated across the city' is similar in meaning to 'The festival was celebrated throughout the city.' However, the use of 'across' might imply a broader, more general coverage.

What is a more formal synonym for 'throughout' that can be used in academic writing?

A more formal synonym for 'throughout' suitable for academic writing is 'throughout the duration of' or simply 'during.' These phrases can help clarify the time frame or period being discussed with a formal tone.

Are there any synonyms for 'throughout' that specifically suggest thoroughness or completeness?

Yes, synonyms such as 'comprehensively,' 'entirely,' or 'in every part' suggest thoroughness or completeness alongside the idea of covering all areas or times. These are particularly useful when emphasizing the exhaustive nature of an action or presence in every part of a location or period.