What is synonyms for travel

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A journey or movement from one place to another, often for the purpose of visiting, exploration, or recreation.

Synonyms of travel


As in journey or trip

Strongest matches:

- voyage

- expedition

- journey

- trip

Weak matches:

- excursion

- tour

- trek

- jaunt


As in movement or motion

Strongest matches:

- movement

- motion

Weak matches:

- transit

- progression


As in go or move

Strongest matches:

- journey

- voyage

- trek

- roam

Weak matches:

- traverse

- tour

- wander

- commute


As in traverse or cover

Strongest matches:

- traverse

- cover

- cross

Weak matches:

- navigate

- journey through

- roam across


stay, remain, settle, rest, halt, stop, linger, reside, cease

Usage examples:

1. We plan to travel to Italy next summer to explore its rich history and beautiful landscapes.

2. The travel agency recommended a package that includes flights, accommodations, and guided tours at a very competitive price.

3. Due to the pandemic, many people have experienced significant disruptions to their travel plans.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some common synonyms for the word 'travel'?

Common synonyms for 'travel' include 'journey,' 'voyage,' 'trip,' 'tour,' and 'excursion'. Each word can carry slightly different connotations or be more suitable for specific contexts, but all relate to the act of moving or being in motion from one place to another.

When should I use 'journey' instead of 'travel'?

'Journey' often implies a longer or more significant trip, possibly with a profound purpose or outcome. It's used when emphasizing the experience or the process of traveling rather than the mere act. For instance, 'journey' fits well when referring to a personal quest or a long-distance adventure.

Is there a difference between a 'trip' and a 'voyage'?

Yes, there is a nuanced difference. A 'trip' generally refers to any act of going from one place to another and can be short or long, but often implies a return to the starting point. 'Voyage' traditionally refers to a long journey involving travel by sea or space and carries a more formal or grandiose tone. It's less commonly used for everyday travel.

Can 'tour' and 'excursion' be used interchangeably?

While 'tour' and 'excursion' are similar, they are not always interchangeable. A 'tour' typically refers to a journey where the purpose is to visit different places, often guided, and can last for several days. An 'excursion' is usually a short trip made for leisure, typically as a part of a longer stay or as a brief detour from a primary location.